Affiliate Program

As part of RND1’s growth plan and a way to give back to those who have supported me, I have developed an affiliate scheme which allows affiliates to earn 10% of each sale that they generate on the RND1 website. For example, if a Breaking Bones rashguard is sold at a price of £35.00 you will earn £3.50 via your custom affiliate URL. You will also gain access to an affiliate dashboard to track basic metrics of your sales and generate your custom URL.

As part of the incentive to help affiliates generate sales I am offering an additional 10% coupon code – “UPPARND1” which you can use to provide to your audience.

** The Fighter & Collaboration series are exempt from this program **

  1. Begin by registering an account via the following link:
  2. Once your account is registered, please log in to your dash board via the following link:
  3. At the bottom of your dash board you will see an option for “Affiliate Dashboard”, please select this.
  4. You will now apply to become an affiliate by selecting “Become an affiliate” button. (I will review the applicant and approve, please be patient as I am a 1-man band).
  5. Once you are accepted you will receive an email notification which will most likely end up in your spam folder, never worry you can revisit the Affiliate Dashboard to confirm if you have gained access.
  6. Select the option “Link Generator” to create your personalised link which you will share to generate sales for your account and watch as you make £££.

The affiliate dashboard has a number of features including information about commissions, visits, payments, link generator and settings to help with configurations.
